Here are some simple ways to set up practices and procedures to help prevent covid spread. The new normal seems to be here to stay and we are helping by providing some tips to prevent the spread of the virus. Stay safe as we adapt to the new normal.
Entry Protocols
It is strongly recommended that management of the organization set policies and procedures to regulate the entry of persons into the business. These can include the following:
- All persons on the compound must wear a face mask to reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19.
- Ensure washing or sanitizing of hands is a mandatory procedure upon entering the business. You can also set up a sink right outside the entry (see picture) and ensure that antibacterial soap is available to everyone and sanitizing stations can also be located at high traffic areas on the compound such as at the entry points and at the front desk etc.
- Temperature checks should be carried out by a designated employee who is trained or an automatic thermometer can also be used to further ensure no one entering the compound has a fever. (In the event that the company is using an automatic thermometer there should be a responsible person ensuring that all persons do indeed get their temperatures checked)
Additional practices include implementing a COVID-19 VISITOR ENTRY FORM that is filled out upon entry by customers or contractors, so that contact tracing can be easily done if someone with the virus has entered your business in the past. Further options are the placement of antibacterial mat (which is a mat saturated with a special antibacterial solution) outside of the entrance for customers to disinfect their shoes.
Cleaning Around The Office Or Store
Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in your office regularly. This is an important precaution to lower the risk of infection.
Every office environment is unique, but common high-touch surfaces include: Door handles, tables, chairs, handrails, front doors, key pads and bathroom surfaces, light switches, mobile phones, computers, tablets, keyboards and remote controls. These items should be wiped with disinfectants or anti-bacterial wipes as often as is possible. Setting up a regular routine to do such cleaning is advisable.
Offices should also be sprayed at least once a day depending on the flow of persons through the office, to ensure the maximum level of cleanliness is maintained.
Follow cleaning product instructions for safe and effective use, including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing nitrile gloves and making sure you have good ventilation.
Some national authorities (WHO) have made lists of recommended products for use against the COVID-19 virus. You can check out our personal protection equipment which will help ensure your compliance to all health and safety regulations, keeping you safe.